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  • NexGen Technologies

Esri GIS Integration with the Power Platform

NexGen Technologies Inc. is dedicated to delivering cutting-edge Power Platform solutions tailored to our clients' needs. We engage in continuous innovation, conducting thorough solution assessments, and providing vivid demonstrations of system capabilities and functionalities. Take, for instance, our illustrative example showcasing the versatility of Power Platform's integration with Esri's Geographic Information Systems (GIS) solutions, like Survey123. The following example demonstrates how two no-code/ low-code (LC/NC), cloud-based Software as a Service (SaaS) solutions, Microsoft's Power Apps and Esri's Survey123, can be seamlessly integrated using an out of the box connector.

Esri Survey123: Dynamic Data Collection Redefined

Esri Survey123 represents a transformative approach to data collection, harnessing the power of GIS for real-time, location-based insights. As a pivotal element of the ArcGIS suite, Survey123 allows users to create detailed surveys that capture valuable information directly from the field. This robust application is not just about gathering text responses; it enables the collection of geographical data, photos, and more, which can be geo-tagged to provide spatial accuracy and context.

Our demonstration project highlights how Survey123 can serve as a powerful tool for mobile solutions hosted on ArcGIS Online (AGOL). By leveraging its dedicated connector, we've crafted a seamless pipeline that dynamically ingests survey data into downstream applications. This allows for a fluid and integrated data workflow, transforming raw input into actionable intelligence with geographical precision.

Power Apps: Tailored Applications with Geographic Intelligence

The Microsoft Power Apps component of the Power Platform empowers businesses to create custom applications tailored to their specific processes and data needs without requiring extensive coding expertise. With its intuitive design and powerful functionalities, Power Apps facilitates the rapid development of apps that work across all devices, enhancing productivity and user experience.

In the context of GIS integration, Power Apps acts as the conduit between the data collected by Esri Survey123 and the broader suite of business applications. Utilizing the ArcGIS Connector, we have demonstrated the capability to not only capture but also utilize geospatial data within custom applications. Our demo showcases three innovative methods to embed GIS map viewers into Power Apps, offering diverse approaches to visualizing and interacting with spatial data collected from Survey123.

Power BI: Visualizing Data with Geospatial Analytics

Power BI stands as the pinnacle of data visualization and business intelligence within the Power Platform. It enables organizations to transform data into rich visuals and interactive reports, facilitating informed decision-making processes. The integration of Power BI with the ArcGIS Connector brings an additional layer of geospatial analysis, allowing users to visualize and interact with their data in new and insightful ways.

Our demonstration taps into the synergy between Power BI and the Esri Webmap, showcasing how geospatial features submitted through Survey123 can be dynamically saved within Dataverse, and displayed within a Power Apps application. The result is an immersive experience where data is not just seen but experienced, providing a comprehensive overview of the spatial relationships and patterns that emerge from survey data. This powerful combination of tools showcases the possibilities that open up when geospatial data is leveraged to its full potential in business analytics.


About NexGen:

NexGen Technologies (NexGen) provides the people, processes, and solutions that help make innovative IT transformation possible across your systems and applications.

 We specialize in delivering top-tier IT support services, specifically tailored for the unique needs of the federal government. Our dedicated team combines cutting-edge technology with deep industry expertise to ensure your projects meet the highest standards of quality and security.

For more information, please contact NexGen at or (720) 377-1800.


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